8 Jan 2006

Boardgame Paradice

I went to the newest board game café in town (actually it is in the heartlands… ), Boardgame Paradice. citysea thinks that the name is pretty cheesy but I think it is quite cute. The place is quite spacious and the décor is quite minimalist. There are large board game box covers posters plastered along the wall and the lighting and air con are quite good. The staffs wear corporate T-shirts with their logos on it and are quite friendly and helpful. The game list is quite comprehensive and contains mostly good and entertaining games (although I have played 60-70% of the games liao. :D)

Each table has this buzzer button struck in a corner which you can press when you need help. A LED panel mounted on the wall will show the table number and a buzzer will sound, much like those used in restaurants or clinics. The staff will then come scurrying over. Yesterday was their first day, so the place wasn’t filled up. I just wonder when the whole place is filled up and multiple tables need help, will there be a buzzer war? :P

We tried a game called Aladdin’s Dragons which is basically a bidding game. The lady who explained the rules to us did not do a very good job and we end up wondering about the finer details of the game. citysea, Raymond and I felt the game was interesting but a bit slow after sometime and we weren’t sure about the strategy involved. It only became exciting after we declared the next round to be the last round. Only then did we decide to unload all the treasures, artifacts and spells we had hoard over the rounds and truly block and backstab each other. Personally I felt the last round was more interesting then all the previous rounds combined.

We paid $24++ for two hours of games, three complimentary drinks and a plate of finger food (onion rings) which is quite reasonable. I must say, all board game café food sucks and they might as well forget about the food part and concentrate on drinks and games.

One more thing, I like their toilets which are unisex and contain everything necessary: a hose spray, a toilet seat detergent dispenser, a small bin for sanitary pads disposal and ample of toilet paper. There was a good size mirror and the wash basins look great. There is an interesting link-rings curtain at the entrance of the toilet which citysea says that the MoS has a similar one.

If you like board games, give it a try. Go out of the back door of the MacDonald opposite Parkway Parade and look to your right. :P

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Anonymous said...

there is this other boardgame cafe near boat quay call Pitstop cafe. Try their food, it's really not bad I feel...

MoleWall said...

Thanks for the tip, I will be sure to drop by and try it out.

Mmm... "Pitstop" doesn't sound board game'ish. :P