What has all this got to do with Kolo Mee? Well, because I waited for my mee for a long time, everyone has finished eating by the time I went back to the table. So naturally everyone want to know whether the wanton mee is worth the wait or not. Anyway, as we were critiquing the wanton mee, Jimmy mentioned that there is a very good mee stall near the 长城porridge stall in Chinatown. It sells Kolo Mee from Kuching. Just so happens that citysea just came back from Kuching yesterday and was talking about the Kolo Mee there. So I went back to office, did a search, found the shop and then ask citysea to accompany there.
I must say it is very worth the trip. The mee is great and the fried wanton is very nice. The fish soup has a very unique taste, not exactly nice, but unique :D~~

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