31 Dec 2005

Bye Bye 2005

2005 is a very eventful year for me. In terms of career, I made a leap forward, yet suffered many setbacks. I suppose I could have handle matters differently, with more maturity and thought. I grateful for the opportunity given to me and I am very happy to make very good friends this year. They have given me support and encouragement.

2005 is also an extremely painful year. I suffered from a slipped disc and had to endure excruciating pain and a spinal operation. It made me realized the importance of maintaining my own body and my health. It also made me realize there are many people who cared about me.

Thank you 2005. You have taught me a lot and make me humble. Goodbye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi hi,

Overall, I've really enjoyed reading your blog..tho i still can't quite figure out the helmet origami thingy?!?!?!

U went thru 2005 with so many experiences (both good & bad) and am glad you've emerged a stronger and wiser person...not to mention that your threshold for pain has gone up a few notches! :P

And am so proud of you for getting your letter published in the ST online...Cool! Gambatte!

Will look forward to reading your blog and hope to see more of all the piccies you've taken!

Happy 2006!