Firstly, the water is horribly dirty. My dad has this idea about using some water purifying chemical that will cause the water to become clear, thus saving the trouble of changing water. Well, it works... for a couple of days. Then the water will start to turn cloudy again, and in goes more chemicals...
Then, there is the feeding problem. My dad will feed the fishes twice a day and whenever they may dance near the glass pane appearing hungry which basically is every time you walk near the tanks. So most of them have extremely bloated stomach. My father thinks that they are pregnant. I think they are too full of food or air. Before long, they will start to swim upside down (i.e. tummy up!) My father thinks that they are doing acrobatics, I think that they are dying...
Well, so before long, the fishes will die and a trip will be made to the nearest fish shop to replenish the lost fishes. So far there should be at least a hundred fishes which die in these tanks... and the only one laughing is the fish shop owner all the way to his grave!
The latest victim...

Soon dead fishes...

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