31 Mar 2006

I Found My Watch!

For the past one week, I could not find my new Timex watch. I looked everywhere: my drawers, my cupboards, my bags (thanks to my dear friends, I have a lot of bags to look through now wor :P), my company desk, my company cabinet, the toliet... basically everywhere I can think of.

It is a free gift for joining SAFRA, so technically the loss isn't very big. But I was very disturbed by the loss because as a child I have lost a very expensive watch which my aunt bought for me. So I am very angry with myself for losing a watch again at 30 years old! I have not been wearing my other watches this week for fear of losing them.

Today I was feeling especially blue, because quite a number of my colleagues either asked me the time or asked why I wasn't wearing a watch.

As I was patiently trying to fixed my MS SQL 2005 Express with Advance Services SP1 CTP installation, somehow I suddenly have the urge to look for the watch again. I went through all the places I have looked previously, but still cannot find it. I was about to give up when I saw something brown sticking out of the inner pocket of my haversack. My WATCH!

Oh goodness! I have looked in that bag at least five times, but somehow I did not notice the watch!

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